Friday, January 19, 2007

If I Ever Get Locked Up

I decided that if I ever get locked up, I want to get locked up in Costco! I freakin love this place.
We had to take a trip tonight to get some "necessities." We ended up with a rug for the bathroom (that ended up too long, btw), two pillows, some spinach dip, chips to go with the spinach dip, toilet paper and a video for the kids.
The kids go wild every time we visit there. It's cool. I let them run free. I even locked them (daddy too) up in the storage unit they had on display and then I walked away. The girly screams were so funny. Unfortunately I didn't get a shot of that. I just know that my two year old said some things I have never heard him say before! hahahaha


Ann Snelson said...

those poor babies LOL

you shoulda come and went shopping with me-- i did loads of it-

Anonymous said...

I love COSTCO too.. how did you get the camera in?? I had mine one day with me - no case and they would not let me in.. Afraid I was going to steal SECERTS.. Strange!! Fun Shots Betty - now about locking up your family.. HMNN LOL

Anna said...

Betty you are too funny!! Some days I think I could lock mine up and LEAVE them there...well I guess I would go back and get them...but not until I finished my shopping!

Anonymous said...

What absolutely beautiful kids you have... love those shots.. I can get lost in certain stores too.. Give me a decent bookstore and not only do I lose time... but I end up making a major dent in my bank account.

Heidi Brand said...

Great shots on the everyday! I agree, I would have gone back when my shopping was done LOL!

Beth said...

I love this! I really like your conversions! They are so crisp.

Unknown said...

You do have some gorgeous kiddos! :)

I like the photojournalistic feel of these! Nice job!

Huffy said...

oh my.. you little bootiliscious chickee... locked your children up... he he what a clever one you are! :-)