Thursday, January 25, 2007

Right On Target!

Okay, my most favoriest place to shop is Target. I will pass twelve Wal-Marts and two Sam's to get to Target. lol lol Anyway, I was in there the other day and noticed the cool photo albums that they had. I'm not an album buying person. I usually buy the scrapbook type albums, but I noticed that these albums held 5x7 photos. I thought way cool! I have several photos that I had printed up in 5x7 for the kids. I have to create an album for each kid. I thought it would be neat for each kid to take their own album when they leave and go make their own families. My parents and my husband parents won't part with their photos. So we don't have photos here of ourselves when we were kids. So my goal for the next 18+ years is to document their lives and create albums for each kid and one for hubby and me. Some of the pics will be the same in each album, but for the most part it will be all about each kid. I thought that was pretty cool. Their next album will more than likely be a coffee table book. That way I can get way more in there than in this little album.


Beth said...

beautiful albums, and i agree with you about making some for the kids. that is on my todo list for this year, as I have NO albums for the twins LOL

My Life As I See It said...

yep, gotta love Target. But I swore you said you would love to be locked up in Costco....... so you lied???
I was thinking Target has to be the best place to be locked up in especially the super Targets...they have a supermarket section, that way you can never get hungry! Gorgeous albums and good idea you have planned for them.
Oh good shot? Yeah, great shot. Nice product shot. Really.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear you are planning for photos for your kids to take with them as they grow up... We've been lucky cuz Mom shares hers... since we didn't make copies when we were younger... I've scanned any and all that I want... and Mom has already started the albums for my two nieces. :)

Anna said...

Oh neat little albums! What a great size. I'm going to have to check them out. I've got individual albums started for my kids too. My Mom has dozens of albums, and I've started scanning some of them...but I'll never be able to scan all that I want. Thankfully we all live close and can borrow the albums anytime we wish.

Betty "CC" Gray said...

Our parents live close too, but they ain't comming off of those albums! lol

Jaxy, you're right, I lied! I have two favorites! lol

Heidi Brand said...

I know exactly where you are coming from. My Mom does not want to part with her photos either, so the ones that I have from my childhood are very limited. I have been working on books for myself as well as the kids too.